Modified Shoes Can Ease Pain in Incurable Osteoarthritis

Monday, 24 October 2011, 23:44 IST
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Sydney: A modified shoe can reduce the load in people with knee osteoarthritis, especially during walking, compared to traditionally-designed athletic shoes, new research shows. Knee osteoarthritis causes pain, physical disability, alterations to the way people move and psychological distress. However, even though there is no cure for the disease, things can improve with the right management. The research was carried out by Kim Bennell, professor and her team at the Centre for Health, Exercise and Sports Medicine at the University of Melbourne, a statement said. Bennell said people shouldn't suffer in silence. "Aids such as modified shoes, can reduce the 'load' on the inside of the knee and may slow progression of osteoarthritis. Research is happening right now that can help us find even better treatments," she said.
Source: IANS