Meet the Best VCs of Silicon Valley

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 06 February 2012, 20:12 IST   |    2 Comments
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12. Peter Thiel

#Ranked 76 in Silicon Valley’s best 100

Investor, Founder's Fund

Thiel serves as an advisor for high profile startup Palantir technology and this earlier Facebook investor also invested in PandoDaily, Sarah Lacy’s new startup.




11. Aydin Senkut

#Ranked 75 in Silicon Valley’s best 100

Founder and Managing Director, Felicis Ventures

Senkut is an ex-Googler, who funded Rovio, which produced Angry Birds, A big hit of last year.





10. Ernestine Fu

#Ranked 71in Silicon Valley’s best 100

Associate, Aslop Louie Partners; Student, Stanford

The youngest investor in the Valley, this 20 year old joined VC firm Alsop Louie Partners as an associate and made the cover of Forbes magazine.