The Most Confusing Food Questions, Answered

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 21 November 2011, 23:43 IST
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Bangalore: While you might be wondering what “low-fat”, “no sugar added”, and “low carbs” might mean, it is important that you know exactly what they mean before you enter the kitchen. Here are few of the most confusing questions answered to save you the confusion.

Q. Is it really that bad to skip breakfast?

A. A thousand times YES! Breakfast is really the most important meal of the day. Your body is constantly functioning even when you are sound asleep at night and you need to refuel your system as soon as you are up! Your system is like a car and running around doing your work is like driving a car with no gas. Your body’s mechanical reaction is to decrease metabolism to conserve energy which inescapably affects your waistline. Try not to skip breakfast and don’t swing by Starbucks or McDonalds for a fast bite. Instead stick o fruits or cereal which keeps you feeling and looking good.

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