Jennifer Aniston turns brunette for 'Horrible Bosses'

Tuesday, 05 July 2011, 18:39 IST
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London: Former `Friends` star Jennifer Aniston has gone brunette for her upcoming black comedy `Horrible Bosses`. The 42-year-old actress has dyed her blonde locks brown and added a heavy fringe for her role as a raunchy dentist. Aniston revealed the new look was her idea as the studio chiefs wanted her to wear a wig instead, reported Contactmusic. "We had this wonderful period of time I do call Hair Gate. The studio didn`t want me to wear a wig. I was told, `No one will know who you are.` I said, `They will know my name from the credits`," she said. "I`m the one who insisted on the dark hair. I was doing a movie right before this and one after that had me looking more like me, and I knew this character had to be different... I just felt such a freedom," Aniston added.
Source: PTI