Indian American CEO Goes Bankrupt

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 01 March 2013, 19:57 IST
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Bangalore: “My company is now doing business in 20 states and this year we are expecting revenue of $1.5 billion,” This is what the CEO and Chairman of the Universal Healthcare Group in Florida, Akshay K Desai had told only six months back, adding that Romney had “a few months ago visited my company and spent a couple of hours and I gave him a tour and explained to him what we do and he was quite impressed.”

 Sadly, the scene is not the same today. The Medicare provider, which had been the employer of over a thousand people and more, has now gone bankrupt leaving a number of Indian American entrepreneurs and physicians hopeless after having invested a $25 million in the company.

The Surat born Akshay K Desai, Chairman and CEO, of the Universal Healthcare Group, stalwart in the Republican Party, major fundraiser, first Indian American to be appointed in the Finance Committee of a Republican Party and main mediator to Mitt Romney and the Indian Americans, is suddenly not as popular as then, with his party bosses and Governor Rick Scott now forcing him to step down from his post.

“Governor Rick Scott called me and urged me to consider taking up this position, saying that I had the experience and was a long-time party loyalist and having been a staunch supporter of former governors Charlie Christ and Jeb Bush. He also said that he was so impressed by my track record of activism in the Republican Party for nearly two decades.”, was what he said some time ago, as reported by

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