India Will Surpass China by 2030

The report also said the total size of the Chinese working-age population will rise in 2016 and will fall from 994 million to about 961 million in 2030. Contrastingly, India's working-age population is not likely to rise until 2050. It was noted that India's demographic window of opportunity lies from 2015 to 2050, while China's is from 1990 to 2025. The U.S. was at its best from 1970 to 2015, foretelling the country's gradual decline. It was also noted that India's median age, currently at 26, will be 32 by 2030, still the lowest among the top ten economies in the world.

The report estimates that sometime after 2030, India will have the world's largest middle-class consumption, larger than U.S. and EU put together. But both China and India face the prospect of being trapped in middle-income status, with their per capita income not continuing to increase to the level of the world's advanced economies.  This would be the case unless they resolve their resource limitations, mainly water, energy, food and invest more in science and technology in order to move the economy up the value chain.

India and China will face hurdles, especially due to the global resources and the effects of climate change. But if they overcome the difficulties, India and China will dominate a world in 2030 that will largely be "middle-class, not poor, which has been the condition of most people throughout human history," as reported by TNN.

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