India Most Uncharitable Nation: Is it?

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 22 December 2011, 01:31 IST   |    18 Comments
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The Indian billionaires in the recent times have also directed their efforts towards making a difference in the philanthropic efforts in India. Billionaire Shiv Nadar of HCL Technologies decided to take the intelligent children from villages of rural India and send them to boarding schools while business tycoon, Azim Premji of Wipro transferred nearly 2 billion dollars of his wealth to a trust that focuses on education and children’s health and nutrition. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, known as “India’s Warren Buffett,” pledged to give 25 percent of his fortune to charity in his lifetime.

Apart from individual donations, corporate giving in India has also been on a high rise as they become more aware of their social responsibility. The Philanthropy report, 2011 also suggests that the corporate giving in India now totals to 1.5 billion dollars, a considerable quintuple increase since 2006.

If India still had to be listed as an uncharitable nation then, one of the most important reasons would be the lack of accountability in some charitable organizations that avert giving. This highlights the concerns about governance, accountability, transparency and efficiency of administration.