How to Protect the Intellectual Property for your Startup

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Fremont: Entrepreneurs put in a lot of sweat and blood to make their ventures successful, thus it is very important for them to protect their business. Yet many businesses are not able to protect the main idea behind the venture--the intellectual property. Intellectual property covers the intangible assets like works of art, music, discoveries, words, phrases, designs, and many others. These intangible assets are very easy to copy, and the way to protect them is through an intellectual property right, which includes the following. Copyright
How to Protect the Intellectual Property for your Startup
A set of exclusive rights, granted by a state to the creator of an original work or their assignee for a limited period of time upon the disclosure of work is covered under the Copyrights Act. In most cases, there is a specific timeframe during which the given work is covered, after which it is open for public use. A startup, can use the symbol (c), which signifies that the company has all rights reserved for the text, graphics, music, software, and other such original creative content, and using such a content without the permission of the company is a punishable offense. There are many notable cases under the copyright act, one of the famous one being that of SoftMan Products Co. v. Adobe Systems Inc., where the court rules that under the first-sale doctrine, a company cannot control how the buyer uses its products. Hence, startups should make sure that they cover the vital details under the copyrighted and have a detailed description, so as to prevent infringement cases.

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