Home Remedies For Asthma

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 13 October 2011, 22:43 IST
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Bangalore: Did you know, greatest musician of all times, Beethoven, Antonio Vivaldi; basketball player Dennis Rodman and the most famous John F. Kennedy battled asthma through their lives? With 75 percent increase in the recent decades and 40 percent rise among the population of urban children, asthma has become a major lifestyle disease these days. To all those struggling to cross the river without sinking, here's a list of remedies to tend to your asthma sitting at home and get rid of your inhalers-
Home Remedies For Asthma
Honey - All you need is a jug of honey. Breathing can get easier and deeper by placing the jug below your nose and just inhaling the air that comes out of it. Another effective method- Blend a few leaves of holy basil or black pepper with honey and munch it every morning, preferably on an empty stomach.

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