Health Camp Held at Air Force Station

Wednesday, 05 October 2011, 00:19 IST
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Mumbai: A health camp for families of service personnel was organised in Air Force Station, Cotton Green as part of ongoing Air Force Day celebrations. The camp was conducted in collaboration with the Air Force wives welfare association (local) (AFWWA) of Air Force Station Cotton Green from September 30 to October 2 and was inaugurated by the president of AFWWA Amita Srivastava. The aim of the camp was to indoctrinate and screen the population for various lifestyle diseases like obesity, hypertension, diabetes and anaemia, a Defence release said.The participants were also given a general health check-up and consultation for any condition detected. The event was also utilized for imparting ongoing health education of various topics like nutrition, family planning, preventive aspects of infective diseases.
Source: PTI