George Michael to Spend Christmas in Hospital

Thursday, 08 December 2011, 17:03 IST
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London: Singer George Michael is set to spend Christmas in hospital as he recovers from his battle against pneumonia. The 48-year-old ''Last Christmas'' singer is being treated at Vienna''s AKH hospital in Austria, and while his condition has improved since he is likely to remain under the supervision of doctors over the festive season, reported Contactmusic. "George is on the mend, but it looks like he will be celebrating Christmas in the hospital. I spend every day at his bedside," his boyfriend Fadi Fawaz, 38, said. Michael canceled the 14 remaining dates on his ''Symphonica Tour'' when he fell ill at the end of November, and specialists are worried his voice could be permanently affected by his illness. "In the worst case scenario, being on a ventilator could harm his vocal cords. He will need months of rest. It depends how long he spends on the ventilator, but in the worst case his illness could seriously affect his singing capacity. The pressure is very close to his vocal cords and it could affect them," a doctor said. His 75-year-old father Kyriacos Panayiotou, who is known as Jack Panos, and sisters Melanie, 49, and 53-year-old Yioda - flew out to Vienna to support him, joining Fawaz who has been at his bedside since he was taken to hospital.
Source: PTI