Why do Indians Embrace Political Dynasties?

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 16 February 2012, 01:06 IST
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Bangalore: Not just with the highest command of the party, but family politics rule the Congress even in states, which was quite evident in the fact that five political families from Goa have cornered nearly one-third of Congress tickets in the upcoming assembly elections. While Congress party is known for its accepted obedience to Nehru-Gandhi lineage, politics in India has largely been governed by three terms - 'family', 'money', and 'patronage.'

It sounds rather ironic when Dalit icon Mayawati calls the Congress General Secretary and the youngest member of the Nehru-Gandhi family, Rahul Gandhi ‘yuvaraj’ for his rich political ancestry while she fills the high positions in the government with her kin and friends. The lottery of birth is a sure bet for political fortunes in India and the overstated definitions of the country paves way for new ones on its political scenario to be called, “a democracy of dynasties, for dynasties and by dynasties". The Gandhi family would be one of the oldest political dynasties in the world, which ruled the largest democracy in the world for 37 of its 65 years as an independent state, with a band of grandfather-daughter-grandson as prime ministers.


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