India Needs Comprehensive Plan to Fight Terrorism: Pakistani Daily

Friday, 09 September 2011, 19:35 IST
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ISLAMABAD: India needs a comprehensive plan to fight terrorism, including schemes to deradicalise society, said a Pakistani daily following a massive bombing in Delhi that left 13 dead and 96 injured. An editorial in the News International said that just days before the anniversary of the Sep 11, 2001 attacks, militants struck at the Delhi High Court, "providing a grim reminder that extremists remain committed to their activities across the globe". Initial suspicions have fallen on Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami ( HuJI) that has claimed responsibility for the attack via an email in which it has demanded that Afzal Guru's death sentence be repealed immediately. Afzal Guru was awarded the death sentence in 2004 for his role in the 2001 attack on the Indian parliament. "HuJI's hand is already suspected in this July's Mumbai blasts and in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack at the Chabad House in Colaba," it said. " would not be far-fetched to say that terrorists have decided to systematically target courts that have passed verdicts against terrorism." The editorial went on to say that it was clear that militants are exploiting weaknesses in India's security apparatus. "At a time when the public mood is already soured by months of anti-corruption protests, the government needs to secure itself against further criticisms of carelessness. "It is clear that India needs a comprehensive plan to fight terrorism, including schemes to deradicalise society, transform local policing and carry out aggressive intelligence work. It is also hoped that India will act maturely and understand the need to set its own house in order rather than create unnecessary acrimony by pointing fingers outwards," it added.
Source: IANS