'Gandhi to King' Concert to Commemorate U.S. Civil Rights March

Saturday, 10 August 2013, 01:24 IST
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"The DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities celebrates and promotes cultural expression from around the world," said Judith Terra, Chair of the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities.

"Reflections on Peace from Gandhi to King honors two peace and justice leaders through the arts and celebrates their legacies and contributions to the world"

"Reflections on Peace from Gandhi to King honors a significant event and also the District as home to one of the most historic civil rights demonstrations in our nation's history," said Lionell Thomas, Executive Director of the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities.
"As the 50th anniversary celebrations kick off, the Commission will showcase some of the finest in international and local talent."

Indian Ambassador to the US Nirumpama Rao explained the historical significance of the evening by saying, "The spirit of the people of India and The United States is joined by the inspirational call of freedom, peace and non violence. It is a powerful bond that unites us and we should forever hold it sacred in our thoughts and deeds."

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Source: PTI