Founders Who Left Their Own Cos

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 20 January 2012, 01:34 IST   |    2 Comments
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5) Sandy Lerner -

Sandy Lerner was the Co-founder of Cisco, the other co-founder being her husband, Len Bosack. She exited her company in the year 1990 but the company was the least bit disappointed at the decision to remove her because her decisions had hurt the company. Lerner and her husband had gone for a $2.5 million deal with Sequoia Capital, owned by Don Valentine. Valentine went forth and hired a new CEO, John Morgridge, without giving prior information to Lerner. This soured her relations with the new management. The new management, however, said that there was room for only one leader in the company and so she left Cisco.

6) Diane Greene -

Diane Greene was the co-founder of VMWare. She is currently on the Board of Directors at Google. Acquiring EMC, a data storage firm, led to her eventual exit from the company. Later on, the executives at EMC felt that Greene had insufficient expertise to run a big MNC like theirs. Paul Maritz, a former member of Microsoft, replaced her. Also, her strong bend towards making VMWare a completely autonomous body was not welcomed by the executives at EMC. This might have been a probable reason behind her leaving the company. However, one may never know the truth.