Found! Gene That Make Alcoholics Relapse!

Wednesday, 16 November 2011, 22:58 IST   |    1 Comments
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London: Scientists have identified a particular variant of a gene that plays spoiltsport in people's recovery from alcoholism, besides subjecting them to 10 times higher risk of premature death. "Our research shows that alcohol-dependent individuals, who are also carriers of this gene variant, run 10 times the risk of dying prematurely, compared with the average population," says study co-author Claudia Fahlke, from Sweden's Sahlgrenska Academy. Sahlgrenska researchers have found that a variant of the dopamine D2 receptor gene is overrepresented in people with severe alcohol dependency, the journal Alcohol and Alcoholism reports. The gene variant is linked to a number of different negative consequences that can be of vital bearing on the person affected, according to a Sahlegrenska statement. This gene variant is tied with higher incidence of relapses among these individuals even if they have undergone treatment for their alcohol dependency, the researchers conclude
Source: IANS