Facts To Know Before You Start Exercising

Restricted eating

If you are following a particular form of exercise, you will also have to understand its food requirements. You will surely have to cut off on a lot of food from your previous routine and get adjusted to the new one. You cannot reward yourself with a Sundae every time after you have finished a tedious workout. If weight loss is your goal, you will have to keep a check on what you are eating and fight your urge to eat delightful delicacies.

Burning calories isn’t that easy

In the case of treadmills, stationary bikes and other cardio machines, the "calorie burn" screens can mislead you with their rough estimates. The number of calories shown on the screen can be cut off by 30 percent or more. The truth can be quite disheartening as you might not be satisfied in the end with the tiring exercises that you do. Most of the numbers flashing on your exercise machines are seriously inflated and an average person cannot burn that many right at once.

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