Consumers Desire More Automated Automobiles: Consumers Trust Driverless Cars

Key Highlights:

Prior to purchasing a vehicle, consumers prefer to begin their process online.

a. Most consumers begin their car purchasing process online: 83 percent of global consumers prefer to research online for information on a car, versus only 17percent of consumers that prefer to call or go to dealership.

b. Trust in Manufacturer Website: 61 percent use manufacturing websites when researching to purchase a car. This is good news for the digital world as 78 percent of consumers trust their online research.

Consumers desire a more automated way to track car maintenance cost

a. Impact of gas prices on customer experience: 52 percent of consumers want to track gas prices from a vehicle.  Gas-price tracking was the highest priority, compared to 46percent of consumers wanting to track insurance prices, 35percent wanting to track roadside assistance availability, and 32percent wanted to track recall information.

b. Tracking car maintenance costs: Consumer demand for tracking vehicle operating costs was shown with 62 percent of consumers stating they would purchase a device designed to keep them on track with their monthly budget for gas and auto maintenance.

Consumers are willing to trade personal information for customization, security and savings

a. Lower Insurance/Maintenance: 74percent would allow their driving habits to be monitored in order to save on insurance or service maintenance or costs.

b. More Personal Security: 60percent would provide biometric information such as fingerprints and DNA samples in return for personalized security or car security.

c. Customized Car: 65percent would share personal information such as height/weight, driving habits, entertainment preferences if this allowed a more customized vehicle and driving experience.

Consumers Trust in Automated or Driverless Automobiles

a. Driverless automobiles: More than half of global consumers (57 percent) stated they would be likely to ride in a car controlled entirely by technology that does not require a human driver. The most trusting consumers in this regard were in Brazil with 96percent, India with 86percent, and China with 70percent.

b. Kids on board: When asked about children, 46 percent would still would trust their kids to ride in driverless automobiles.


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