Can Feast, Flavours And Films Go Hand In Hand?

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 17 October 2011, 23:28 IST
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Big Night:
big night
No other food movie has ever portrayed the meticulous aspect implicated in creating a unique extensive meal like the movie Big Night that launched thousands of theme dinners in restaurants. Stanley Tucci and Tony Shalboub play the two bickering siblings to perfection who own a struggling Italian restaurant. The puzzle the brothers can't seem to solve is how the rather shabby looking restaurant across the street thrives whilst their impressive food falls short to bringing in customers. It is a challenge that restaurateurs across the world face. In desperation, they plan to entice celebrity Louis Prima to the restaurant and serve a delicious spread which will ultimately put them on the map. The consequent planning and cooking is spectacular on screen and it is named by few as the bet food movie ever made!