What Is Common between Narayana Murthy and Steve Jobs

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 29 August 2011, 15:41 IST
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Bangalore: Names like Narayana Murthy and Steve Jobs are not new to you. These are few of the people who have given a rational definition to the world of Information technology. They have shown that "thinking big" is what every leader should do. Naryana Murthy represented Infosys on the global map and Steve Jobs for Apple. They now stand as the youth icons this is one of the common things that they share. Lets us find out more of the common or similar things that they share.
narayan murthy's young
Engineers: Both Naryana Murthy and Steve Jobs are basically engineers. Murthy graduated with a degree in electrical engineering from the National Institute of Engineering, University of Mysore in 1967 after attending government school. He received his master's degree from IIT Kanpur in 1969. His first position was at IIM Ahmedabad as chief systems programmer where he worked on a time-sharing system and designed and implemented a BASIC interpreter for ECIL (Electronics Corporation of India Limited).
steve jobs young
Jobs attended Cupertino Junior High School and Homestead High School in Cupertino, California,and frequented after-school lectures at the Hewlett-Packard Company . He was soon hired there and worked with Steve Wozniak as a summer employee. In 1972, Jobs graduated from high school and enrolled in Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Although he dropped out after only one semester.

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