Break those Worst Health habits

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 11 August 2011, 20:17 IST
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Bangalore: With life becoming busier by the day and people becoming even more health conscious, the necessity of healthy habits are increasing. While one can exercise, eat healthy and stay fit, there are a few bad habits that may hinder your health. From bottling things up to eating fast food, here are a few worst health habits you may need to break. Wearing heels: High heels are pretty and pretty bad for your health. More women are opting to wear heels regularly which might be bringing you bad news for your health. High heels have an effect on our posture, gait, balance, back, hips, knees, ankles, feet, skin and toes, also put pressure on joints, and could lead to a series of conditions including arthritis, hammer toes, back pain and tendon injuries. Limit your heels to 1.5 inches for daily wear to decrease damage and wearing insoles helps reducing the pressure on joints. Avoiding the doctor: In spite of the fact that men have shorter life spans than women and are more likely to die from cancer, they are twenty percent less likely than women to visit the doctor. Visiting the doctor maybe an unpleasant experience but diagnosing illnesses earlier increases rates of survival, so stop disregarding those symptoms and give your doctor a call. Sleeping in makeup: Leaving makeup overnight is a perfect quick route to clogged pores. Makeup along with dirt and oil that naturally accumulates on the skin causes congested skin and spots. Eye irritation, bloodshot eyes or sometimes even eye infections can be caused by sleeping with mascara and eye makeup. Poor Bathroom Hygiene: Studies have found that one in three men do not wash their hands after a visit to the bathroom. Not washing hands is the easiest way to spread germs and infections. Lather up your hands to protect and prevent health and diseases of those around you. Drinking as much as men: There have been situations where women have felt obligated to keep up with the drinking habits of men. Women usually tend to weigh less than men and also have less body water to dilute the alcohol getting them drunk more quickly. Minimize the risks of alcohol on health by sticking to the recommended amount for alcohol consumption and also alternate alcohol with soft drinks. Binge drinking: Binge drinking is still common with men albeit women seem to be catching up quickly with men in the drinking stakes. Alcohol related deaths and hospitalizations in men have consistently been higher than in women. Binge drinking affects immediate safety, leads to rapid weight gain and also affects long term health. Drink in moderation and stick to the recommended limits. Emotional eating: Comfort eating affects both genders but while men are more liable to reinforce positive emotions with food, women comfort eat while they are sad. So next time when you are down and out feeling blue, do not let your waistline suffer by satisfying your cravings for sweet high calorie foods, instead distract yourself or boost your endorphins and health by working out. Eating fast food: Many of are held guilty for hampering our weight loss by indulging in too much junk food. An average takeaway contains over half of recommended daily calories. Cut back on takeaways and replace them with home cooked food and do your health and you a favor. Bottling things up: Men are less likely to talk about their feelings and emotions or ask for help and support. As an outcome of this, men are half as likely to be diagnosed with depression yet are 77 percent more likely to commit suicide. Oppression of anger is also detrimental to men's health with research studies showing that men who do not express anger are at an increased risk to suffer from heart attacks. Putting themselves last: Women are prone to compromise their sleep to care for children and others and put their wants and needs at the foot of their frenzied to-do list. Learn to say 'no' sometimes to those requests and commitments that are not very important to avoid running yourself into the ground. Set aside a "me" time each week to do something you enjoy.