Are You A Workaholic? It's Not That Bad

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 23 November 2011, 00:47 IST   |    11 Comments
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According to Carol Gioia, a workaholic employee may sometimes enjoy a higher income due to earnings from overtime, bonuses for taking on special projects and also higher rises to compensate for their willingness to consistently go the extra mile.
Carol Gioia
If you are talented at your job, you may experience less stress- inducing mistakes or criticisms. If you are relieved from stress you may be capable of earning more money to afford a comfortable lifestyle. One more advantage of being a workaholic is that, you ensure that everything is taken care of and you don't have to leave anything unattended or postpone your work for tomorrow. Apart from that, being a workaholic means doing more work and that will helps you in having more clients and earn lots of money to lead a happy life both personally as well as professionally. So, what do you think? Is being an workaholic you can feel thrilled out of your work or you find is difficult to balance your personal and professional life?