Are You A Workaholic? It's Not That Bad

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 23 November 2011, 00:45 IST
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Bangalore: In a work place there are many workers who work for more hours to finish their work. And it is these people who are tagged as the "Workaholics". There is so much of negative publicity for being a workaholic in the professional field. The highly competitive current circumstances have made the people being more workaholics and by this people's lifestyle gradually becomes a workaholic lifestyle.
work place
According to Yehuda Baruch, the Management Professor, workaholic nature can lead to personal feelings of accomplishment and benefit the organization, as long as the compulsion to work is self-driven, reports Melissa Korn. Many of the professionals feel that workaholic attitude is a destructive addiction as they are not able to find time for their personal life. But many workaholics still feel that they are able to balance their life both personally and professionally.

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