Top 10 Gold Producing Nations

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 28 October 2011, 23:13 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: For years, one metal which has got at most priority in the mortal world is Gold. The lustrous yellow metal was once a Kings dream and once a Queens's property. It has never lost its value since ancient times only to gain more value in the modern times. For any country today which is abundant in gold is a plus point and consider them richer among other nations. Gold word strikes us with the image of Middle East and the Arabs. They represent gold on a global stand. But there are other nations who also hold the yellow metal in larger scale. Gold prices rose to dizzying heights in India in recent times. While this is good news for investors in the yellow metal, it is bad news for those who are planning to buy gold jewelries. Beside this it has variety of uses in different things such as exchange, investment, jewelries, medicine, food and drink as decorative ingredient, industry, electronic and commercial chemistry. Here is the list of countries with most gold production, a survey done by British Geological Survey (BGS). 1. China
Gold mining in the People's Republic of China has recently made that country the world's largest gold producer for the third time in history with 320,000 kg per year. China is one of the earliest cultures begin making of jewellery in Asia around 500 years ago. Their designs were very religion oriented and contained. The traditions of the country is still continues till now.

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