Obama to outline new economic vision for Middle-East

Thursday, 19 May 2011, 19:58 IST
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Washington: In his first major policy speech on the wave of popular uprising and pro-democracy movements in the Middle East and North African countries, US President Barack Obama will announce a series of initiatives geared toward supporting a broadening of economic opportunity. Noting that the revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) provide an historic opportunity to meet the aspirations of the people long denied political freedom and economic opportunity, a White House fact sheet issued, on the eve of the historic speech, said economic modernisation is key to building a stronger foundation for prosperity and showing people the fruits of democratic change. "The people of the region will choose their own paths to democracy and prosperity, with policies and programmes that suit their circumstances. That process may take years, as was the case in the transitions of Central and Eastern Europe.
Source: PTI