Is our education system heading the right way?

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 13 August 2011, 01:11 IST   |    17 Comments
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Bangalore: In today's world, education is as important as the other basic needs of human being like food, clothing and shelter. It has always been accorded an honored place in Indian society. The importance of education in India is indeed rising with passing time. The development of education in India during the post- Independence period has been guided by the national goals and aspirations as embodied in the Indian Constitution.
India has made progress in terms of increasing primary education attendance rate and expanding literacy to approximately two thirds of the population. Post-independence, with the further development of the nation, education system in India has also improved drastically. Numerous colleges and institutes have emerged all over the country to provide better educational opportunities to the students. Development of Education in India is one of the factors driving the nation towards further enhancement. The private education market in India is merely 5 percent although in terms of value is estimated to be worth $40 billion in 2008 and will increase to $68 billion by 2012.

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