Interesting Facts About our Body

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 09 February 2012, 00:51 IST   |    1 Comments
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Some interesting facts about our body, which many of us remain unaware of are-

1. It’s not just your pets that have shedding problems; even human beings shed their skin! Human beings shed nearly 600, 000 particles of skin every hour, which makes up to 1.5 pounds each year.

2. Babies have more bones than adults. We begin our life with 350 bones, but afterwards it decreases to 206 due to the fusing of bones.

3. During sleep, a person grows by 8mm and the very next day he/she will get back to their normal size. The cartilage discs getting squeezed due to the force of gravity while sitting and standing is the reason behind this.

4. Our nose can remember nearly 50, 000 different smells.

5. Our brain processes pain signals, but the brain itself is unable to sense any pain.

6. Human brain is more active during night time than in day time. When the rest of our body is inactive, brain becomes more active.

7. It takes months for teeth to become visible in babies, but the teeth starts to grow six months before the baby is born.

8. Babies usually have blue coloured eyes at the time of birth. The true eye colour is visible only after getting exposed to UV and melanin is also needed for this.

9. More number of muscles are required to frown than to smile.

10. Even men have uterus, don’t be stunned! It is a sort of uterus which hangs on one side of the male prostate gland.

11. There are three main things which pregnant women dream of during their first trimester, they are frogs, worms and potted plants.

12. Human beings are the only living creatures that shed emotional tears. Other animals shed tears for some physiological reason.

13. Right handed people live nearly nine years longer than left handers.

14. The air from Sneeze travels at a speed of 100 mph, so better cover your mouth while sneezing.

15. The amount of saliva human body produces in a lifetime is enough to fill two swimming pools.