Google's Fight against Modern Slavery

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 16 December 2011, 02:46 IST
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Bangalore: In its latest initiatives to promote educational programmes and fight modern-day slavery, search engine giant Google has announced that it will donate $100 million for such social causes this year. Google will be mainly focusing on the education services. Apart from education sector, company will be lending its hand against ‘modern-day slavery by donating an amount of $11.5 million to organizations involved in anti-slavery activities.

Google will grant $40 million as holiday grant out of its $100 million education plan. Holiday grant will be for education programmes in science, technology, engineering and math. Developing countries will be benefiting from Google as they promote education of the underprivileged and of the girl children.

For girls’ education, company gives funds for seven non-profit organizations that work for Asian and African child welfare. More than $1billion is given to universities and other non-profits organization as part of its efforts to promote education. Google has also launched a Youtube portal which helps to demonstrate educational content in the classrooms. Also it will help block the irrelevant content on the site. Google is partnering with YouTube educators like Smithsonian and TED.

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