Cabinet Okays the Foreign University Bill, Now What?

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 17 October 2011, 23:45 IST   |    2 Comments
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Bangalore: The cabinet has okayed the Foreign Educational Institutions Bill, which once passed by Parliament, will allow foreign universities to set up campuses in India. There is a curiosity about which universities will come to India and how will the Bill influence higher education? Over the last decade, Indian higher education has witnessed three primary trends: growth of private institutions, increasing demand for professional education and widening regional disparity. These three trends will become stronger with the introduction of the Bill. The government hopes to stem the increasing number of Indian students going abroad for higher education. U.S. has been a top priority off late for higher education in India. According to the HRD Ministry, U.S. has the best academic front, which most other countries lack. Sharing or extending this to India will not only bring in a change in the Indian education system but will also trigger a shift in economic activities. The universities that have shown their interest in opening a campus in India are Duke University and Imperial College, London. There may be some possible impacts of foreign universities coming to India. 1 .Development of private institutions
Development of private institutions
Public University scheme in many countries, including the U.S. is in crisis and features serious budget cuts. They are not ready to invest money in partnerships. Indian public universities also deficit resources and entrepreneurial drive, and are obstructed by bureaucracy to engage with foreign partners. Thus, private institutions in India or corporate partners are more likely to engage in partnerships with foreign public universities. For example, Indiana University and Georgia State University are U.S. public universities that have partnered with private Indian institutions like OP Jindal University and National Management School, Chennai, respectively.

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