7 Unlucky Actors Who Turned Down Great Roles

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 19 August 2011, 19:50 IST   |    6 Comments
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4. John Travolta
7 unlucky actors who turned down great roles
Here is a man who rejected several high profile roles including that of James Bond, but the most noticeable should be the role that he let go in the early 90s. Can you believe that John was actually offered the role of Forest Gump, in the 1994 movie of the same name, and he turned it down due to some unpublicized reasons. A very bad move from his career perspective considering the fact that the movie went on to win five Oscars including the Best Picture, Best Director and most prominently the Best Actor for Tom Hanks who accepted the role. But, taking a personal view, it was a good thing that he let the role go as it would have been far from his abilities and Tom was really good in the role. Nice one John!