63rd Republic Day- 63 Things to Admire About India

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 26 January 2012, 02:29 IST   |    13 Comments
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Bhangra: It is the traditional dance form of Punjab and an international favorite! The thumping beats, the fast, sometimes acrobatic movements leave you spellbound and energized for more.

Bargaining: It is an essential Indian trait. Shopping on the streets of India is a done thing- you beg, fight or bluff your way through!

Dabbawallas: These famous ‘dabbawallas’ that deliver homemade food. More often than not we end up cribbing about how the daal is a little too watery, the rice uncooked but yet we love our dabba’s.

Dhol: Don’t we love the sound of the dhol out there on the street! Although it looks primitive in design, it breathes life into any celebration. Is has a sound that reverberates in the skies.

Dandiya: The dance form that was born in Gujarat is an explosion of rhythm, music and color. In navratri the art form becomes a melting pot of cultures where people around India come together and as everyone dance to the tune of decorative sticks (dandiyas).

Mahatma Gandhi: Mahatama Gandhi, the father of the nation. The man who struggled for our independence and who left behind a treasure of practical wisdom.

Rabindranath Tagore: India's national poet, who gave us our national anthem. He is remembered as the giant among intellectuals.