6 Biggest IT Brand Disasters

By siliconindia   |    1 Comments
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Fremont: Companies generally feel that they are too big to default, but there are several companies, which have made major blunders, causing huge loss not just financially, but also hampered the brand image. Here are the five biggest IT brand disasters.


google, china, bing, microsoft, government, baidu, serverGoogle saw its brand value fall from $100 billion in January 2010 to $74 billion in June 2010; which was mainly due to its decision to abandon the fastest-growing Internet market in the world-China; owing to its dispute with the Chinese government over censorship. Google claimed that its servers were broken by the government-supported groups and it decided to move to Hong Kong. The local Chinese search engine companies Baidu and Microsoft's Bing used this opportunity to capture the entire Chinese market and this has made Google repent on its decision. Google's search engine business has also seen a slow growth and has seen a steep increase in its costs from $3.6 billion to $4.5 billion.

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