6 Best Tech CEO's Ever Produced

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 04 October 2011, 23:20 IST
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Bangalore: It's true that you need a big ego to carry a multinational corporation. But you also need creativity, hard work, leadership and a dozen of other traits to rise above the competition. CEO's has responsibilities as a communicator, decision maker, leader, and manager. The communicator role involves the rest of outer world, as well as the organization's management and employees. Many have achieved great heights in this process and vice versa. However, the real test of a CEO's leadership has to be how the company does over his or her full tenure. Here are the best CEO's of past two decades. 1. Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs<
Jobs co-founded Apple in 1976, but the original team turned to outsiders to run the company in its early stages of growth. He introduced the Macintosh at the now legendary annual shareholders meeting in 1984, changing the landscape of the personal computer industry and vaulting Apple into the forefront, but would leave the company a year later due to internal strife. Jobs then founded his own company called NeXT Computer, and bought part of LucasFilm's graphics division which became Pixar before going back to run Apple in 1996. In the next decade and a half, Jobs would introduce huge hits like the iMac, iPod, iTunes, iPhone and iPad. Apple has now grown into a $326 billion market cap tech behemoth with Jobs at the helm, though he has recently taken leave for medical reasons.

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