5 Ridiculously Funny Horror Films

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 19 October 2011, 22:02 IST
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Young Frankenstein:
Released in 1974, the comic dazzler - Young Frankenstein- was Mel Brook's best picture. He knew how to make a great farce and when he decided to attempt a horror parody, he ended up with the crown of funny horror movies of all times. The movie is charged by enthused troupe, nifty and adroit direction and wheezing zaniness; and all this within a cinematic grip of James Whale's '30s horror classics. An adaptation from a script of Brooks and Gene Wilder, Transylvania rocks furthermore when an American doctor lands to carry on the family business - Mad Science. The doctor assembles a monster - the "Little Zipperneck" and gives it life!