5 Prominent Indian-American Sport Personalities

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 25 February 2014, 01:19 IST
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Sanjay Lal

Sanjay Lal, who rose from humble beginning in the early stages of his life, has now gone on to become one of the most prominent names in coaching in American football. His name has become synonymous with every American household and his achievements are recognized by hundreds and thousands of fans countrywide.

Lal who’s originally from London, England, has played a remarkable amount of football before he started coaching. He had taken a strong interest in the sport by the time he arrived in the U.S. And his liking towards football brought him to the University of California, Los Angeles, which is renowned for sports.

Lal played as an offensive wide receiver for UCLA School in 1989 and for the Washington Huskies from 1990 to 1992. In 1992, Lal was named the member of the Huskies championship team, and his name was eventually selected for inclusion in his school’s athletic Hall of Fame.
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