5 Myths managers believe

By Kukil Bora, SiliconIndia   |   Tuesday, 01 February 2011, 13:35 IST   |    20 Comments
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4. A manager always a leader
A manager can lead his team if he has team members who are low in morals and need a push every time. But following this every now and then can have a negative effect on the members' individual growth. No one can do something perfectly at the very first time. Mistakes are essential to learn things. Managers should always keep in mind this and encourage their team members to make crucial decisions. The supportive role of a manager is always helpful in the team's success. 5. Managers are born, not made
If you have the belief that managerial skills are in-born traits and can't be earned, you better think over it once again, because it is not true. Managerial skills are learned traits and can be improved through practice. Learning from own observations and mistakes is the key to become an ideal manager.