5 Indian Journalists who Impacted American Media

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 24 April 2012, 23:33 IST   |    2 Comments
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Vinnie Malhotra

Vinnie Malhotra, the former program development executive at ESPN and long-time ABC News producer was appointed as the senior vice president of development and acquisitions at CNN, last month.

“Vinnie has a strong record of creating captivating programming, an award-winning news background covering major national and international stories, and experience integrating content across multiple platforms.” said Amy Entelis, senior vice president for talent and content development at CNN. “We welcome Vinnie to CNN and are thrilled to have him join our team’’, reports Inside Cable News.

Malhotra began his career with ABC News in the year 1997, where he worked for seven years and was behind the coverage of some of the major events such as Israeli/Palestinian conflict, death of Pope John Paul II and post-9/11 Afghanistan and Pakistan. His coverage of the Iraq war helped him to win four Emmy awards.

Malhotra holds a degree in political science and communication from the University of Massachusetts.