5 Indian Journalists who Impacted American Media

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 24 April 2012, 23:33 IST   |    2 Comments
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Bobby Ghosh                                                                        

Bobby Gosh, an Indian-origin American journalist was recently named as 'Editor-at-Large' by times Magazine and he holds the privilege of being the first non-American to be named World Editor in TIME's.

Richard Stengel, Managing Editor of TIME called Gosh "one of Time's greatest assets and this past year was one of his best yet", while naming him as 'Editor-at-Large', last month. "Bobby's mixture of great and intrepid reporting, unique insight and powerful writing is a recipe for what makes Time exceptional," he said.

Bobby was the bureau chief of TIME in Baghdad earlier, who happens to be one of the longest-serving correspondents in Iraq and his profiles on suicide bombers, terrorists, extraordinary Iraqis and other political figures during the time of Baghdad journalism brought out the true journalist in him.