5 Common mistakes of dieting

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 04 August 2011, 01:16 IST   |    20 Comments
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Gulping down liquid calories
Starting each day with a couple of glasses of orange juice, or picking up a frothy drink of coffee on the way to work adds on, if not more, as many calories than a plate of food. Take note: What you drink can be as important as what you eat to weight loss. Liquid calories from sugar sweetened sodas, canned and bottled drinks, coffee beverages such as frappes, lattes and frozen coffee; tea and smoothies, alcohol contribute to weight gain largely. Switch from calorie-laden beverages to water, skim milk, and vegetable juices or cut out on sweetened drinks completely as liquid calories do not satisfy hunger like food does. Many beverages bring no nutrition benefits. Even if you were to drink 1,500 calories of beverages a day, you would still feel hungry and then overeat.