5 Common mistakes of dieting

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 03 August 2011, 01:45 IST   |    20 Comments
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Bangalore: Are you dieting and not losing weight? Probably, common diet mistakes are tripping you up. A number of people start and stop a diet for many reasons. People choosing to go on diets don't foresee how hard it will be. Losing weight takes commitment and motivation. You might not recognize just how rapidly calories can add up. An additional tablespoon of butter adds 102 calories; a 1-ounce pack of chips with your sandwich at lunch adds 162 calories, and an added tablespoon of salad dressing can add 75-100 calories. Eating while cooking, starting each day with a high-calorie coffee drink, finishing off the kids' plates at dinner, or having one too many glasses of wine -- these are just a small number of tricky routine that impair weight loss efforts. Yet, as fast as calories add up, they can be subtracted. Becoming aware of your diet faults-- the restrained ways that calories slip into your diet during the day - can add up to real weight loss. Diet blunders can keep you from getting to your ideal weight. You're not alone though; many of us are blameworthy of one -- if not a number of of these dieting faux pas. Here are a few of them. Unrealistic expectations:
Everyone wishes for an easy weight loss program that will make you lose weight in no time without having to do much work or make too many sacrifices. Losing weight is hard and time consuming. Expecting to lose 20 pounds in the first week of your weight lose program is being unrealistic. In most cases, it takes years for a bad body to get into shape. Unhurried, stable weight loss is more realistic and more liable that you'll keep the weight off. Losing 1-2 pounds a week for women and around 3 pounds a week for men is normal weight loss. Don't be impatient during your weight loss routine as it will lead you to quit before you get to your goal weight.

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