5 Books to Market Your Business

2. The Little Red Book of Selling
-Jeff Gitomer

To understand sales in a broader perspective, this book is considered to be the idlest book of all time.

Jeffrey Gitomer has authored many books and most of his books have become best-sellers worldwide. His most popular books are ‘The Sales Bible’ and ‘The Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude’.

‘The Little Red Book of Selling’ is considered to be his most popular book ever. This book has been translated into 14 different languages till now. This book teaches how to make sales instantly and to keep sales as a continuous process for the rest of their lives.

3. Secrets of Closing the Sale
-Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar was a salesman whose speech delivering techniques were unmatchable. He is one of the best-selling authors in this category. He passed away last year. He was suffering from pneumonia and was eighty-six years old.

‘Secrets of Closing the Sale’ deals with all the challenges in today’s tough and competitive market. This book contains more than 50 real-life examples. This book teaches how to overcome the daily obstacles in marketing industry. More than 30,000 copies of this book have been sold till now and the numbers are still changing.

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