10 traits successful people share

By Kukil Bora, SiliconIndia   |   Thursday, 10 March 2011, 13:41 IST   |    71 Comments
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They learn from failures
As we go through life, we're going to make mistakes. But those mistakes provide us with a great opportunity to find a lesson and learn from it. Former President of India Dr. APJ Abdul KalamI once said, "I have gone through many successes and failures. I learnt from failures and hardened myself with courage to face them. This was my second stage, which taught me the crucial lesson of managing failures." Dr. Kalam's contribution to India's defence capabilities is very significant. They create and seize opportunities
A man of success is the one who has the ability to create and seize opportunities to act on a goal. Successful people don't wait for opportunities to knock at their door. They go and create opportunities for themselves and whenever they come across any, they seize it to make full use of it.