10 Social Media Savvy Nations


Its known by all that the entire western sites like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube are banned in China. Yet the Chinese have found ways to get online for other reasons and formulated Chinese social networks to stay on the edge of internet trends. The major cause for Chinese social networking sites to grow is because the Chinese government suppresses the Western social media.

The Chinese internet service companies flourish because of quick decisions. And by counting on these spontaneous decisions they get from their local users, and can make a change immediately. Even with the unavailability of western social networks China has 77 percent of networking ratio and mostly because of online product purchase. China also has the leading number of microbloggers worldwide.


In Thailand social networking is the most engaging activity. The online production of Thailand is defined as a person from age 6 and above accessing the Internet from home or work in a span of thirty days, reaching approximately 9.8 million visits with an average hours spent of 27.4 hours in a month as estimated in 2012 as per the nationalmulltimedia.com.

The Freedom House report shows that in Thailand with most political websites blocked, arresting bloggers and users for posting political and social issues and nominal attacks against government critics has increased surveillance. Inspite of these occurrences there are 69 percent of Thailand users accessing internet for social networking sites.  May be forbidden is fun, the internet shows it.