10 Best Things To Be Learned From People Who Never Went To College

#6 Learning is good and applying the same is better

Learning plays a very crucial part in our lives and is very much essential as it moulds and defines our identity.  The knowledge separates you from others and gives you the power to decide and solve problems. 

But it would be of no effect if it is not applied, all your learning goes in vain if we do not utilize the same in our day to day life. So applying what is been learnt takes you to the next step and there would be a progress.

#7 Being Kind is not an option

According to a famous American writer, “There’s only one rule that I know of… you’ve got to be kind.”

It is easy to point fingers at others and hurt them for their mistakes. But being kind in these situations would define your true character, by doing so, it separates you from others.

It is the right thing to show kindness. If you’re being unkind to others one day be sure the same would be aimed at you.

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