323 Google Code Jam India 2006 registration opens | siliconindia

Google Code Jam India 2006 registration opens

By siliconindia staff writer   |   Monday, 27 February 2006, 20:30 IST
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BANGALORE: The WorldÂ’s biggest search engine Google Inc. has opened registrations for Google Code Jam India 2006, Google's second annual online coding competition in India. The Google Code Jam celebrates some of the best work in problem solving from the fastest and most talented computer scientists in the world and is open to programmers from India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Singapore, Thailand and Bangladesh. The Google Code Jam India consists of a series of problem-solving challenges that invite participants to select a programming language and use their programming skills to code solutions to the problems. Programmers interested in competing can register at http://www.google.com/indiacodejam The qualification rounds begin March 20th, and 50 top finalists will be invited to compete in the Championship Round to be held in Bangalore on Friday, April 7, 2006. Finalists will receive an iPod nano and will divide approximately 15 lakhs.