Seeking a Rented Flat? A Checklist to Help - Page 2

Seeking a Rented Flat? A Checklist to Help

By siliconindia   |   Monday, May 20, 2013

2) What is the Rent?

The second important thing to consider after location is the rent. Before you start searching for an apartment, the very thing you need to decide is the amount of rent you can afford as well as the amount you are willing to pay. It is better to check the rent prices of the area you are planning to shift, beforehand. Also, you need to know the advance amount you have to pay to landlord. If you are planning to stay on rent for more than a year then you need to ask your owner about the yearly increase. Ensure that you clear all your queries related to money.

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3) Rental Agreement & period of Lease:

Legal procedures need proper attention and time. Look into the legal aspects before fixing an apartment for staying. Before making a final call, it is mandatory to check the period of lease, read the contract attentively before you sign on the dotted lines. Ensure to check the beginning and expiration date of the rental agreement, the rental price and things included in the rental contract, notice of termination and responsibilities for repairs. It is always advisable to keep a copy of your agreement, which will help you in future.