Revealed: 10 Nations Where Property Prices Fallen And Risen The Most - Page 4

Revealed: 10 Nations Where Property Prices Fallen And Risen The Most

By siliconindia   |   Monday, September 9, 2013   |    2 Comments

7) China

Overall rank in housing prices: 10

World’s fastest growing economy, China is a major manufacturer of renewable energy technologies globally. The country has witnessed around 38.7 percent appreciation from 2000 to 2012. Over the past 5 years, housing prices in major cities like Beijing and Shanghai have shoot upto 110 percent.

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8) Singapore

Overall rank in housing prices: 16

One of the most preferred tourist destinations, Singapore, is an expensive real estate market in Southeast Asia. Moreover, Singapore is known for its high rate of taxes, mainly on rental incomes. And, foreign nationals have to pay an extra 10 percent along with the existing tax structure. The country witnessed around 16.5 percent change in property prices from 2000 to 2012. Adding to it, Singapore is one among the biggest financial centres in the world.   

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