Innovative Online Services For Home Buyers - Page 3

Innovative Online Services For Home Buyers

By siliconindia   |   Monday, February 20, 2012   |    2 Comments

4) Colour and design style:

Now, colouring the house is much easier through online portal services. Paint companies like Asian Paints, Dulux and Kansai Nerolac have come up with a new scheme on their websites, where you can see variety of colours and design styles accordingly with a range of options they offer. Asian Paints in their portal, lets you to post pictures of your home or room to try out different schemes that comes under paint.

The websites also provide you to calculate the amount it will cost to paint a room or a house as well as the total expense that includes labour cost and material cost. Moreover, to get professional painting services, you can interact with them through telephone and e-mail.

5) Vastu Assistance:

Nowadays, people are showing concern regarding vastu while buying a house or for their existing house.  Online portals are now providing vastu consultation services; portals like and are providing wide range of details regarding vastu and also help with the vastu consultants profile and their contact details. The other way to contact vastu consultants is by e-mail, you can e-mail consultants regarding your precise queries. Also, these portals are offering various other details on vastu such as selecting plot according to vastu and room construction. For instance,, where you can avail vastu tips through a PDF downloads.