Benefits of Renting Furnished Office Space

Benefits of Renting Furnished Office Space

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, April 25, 2019

Benefits of Renting Furnished Office Space

Getting a furnished office space for rent is an intelligent option to traditional office space in terms of cutting out unnecessary expensive investment, even while you maintain an office that is fully functional, whenever you need. If you are a start-up business or are renting an office space and furnishing it for the first time, you require a heavy capital budget.

Alternately, when you do not require an office space for full time, you find your options limited at best or non-existent at the worst. Besides, there are many different pieces to the puzzle of setting up an office space and with a furnished office space these pieces fall into place easily!

Making the Choice

Ideally, renting a furnished office space provides you ready space and furnishings to start functioning on the go. You just add your personal belongings like your inventory, files and records and maybe personal books and equipment like computers and fax machine which causes no hardships to get you operational immediately.

However, renting an empty office space that you choose to furnish and equip requires time, effort and a substantial capital budget for furniture and equipment, as also the set-up time to become operational.

One other point is that with a traditional office space you are bound to a long term lease or rental contract for years to the same location which causes blocks to your changing needs during your business growth.

However, make your choice to rent a furnished office space with limited time based contract as it provides your business to adapt easily and with flexibility to growth, still remaining ahead in all competition.

Real Time Initial Investments

Some important and real time costs you need to incur, as an initial investment and are unavoidable when you rent furnished office space:

* A monthly rental lease/contract will contain add-on initial costs for which you will be responsible. Costs like security deposit usually made up of 6-12 months of rent value have to be paid in advance in cash or a credit letter to the owner of the property.
* Renting a furnished office space also includes a nominal cost for the furnishings that is added to your rental lease/contract as a part of the security deposit.
* Legal lease/contract paperwork requires review by an attorney who is qualified. You incur attorney fees which can work out to be a nominal cost if your rental lease/contract amount is small.
* Before you’re moving in to the premises, securing an insurance policy, covering any commercial liabilities for operating business in your office space is a necessary cost.
* Also include costs to improve furnishings available or adding services important to your business but not inclusive in the contract.
* Investment costs of telephone lines and Internet connectivity to take care of your business communications at the furnished rented office space
* Availability of adequate parking space and any additional costs for extra parking space for employees and visitors of your business entity.

Benefits of Renting Furnished Office Space

Your time and money should be valuable investments – so why waste your resources on this type of investments when you can achieve the same results and save costs with BangaloreOffice, office space provider in Bangalore.

By renting furnished office space you get the benefits of:

* An established and professional locality and atmosphere which caters to your goodwill and status needs helping you gain trust and credibility of your clients, both from existing and potential ones
* Complete functionality at a low price making it cost efficient for your business to choose to pay for select services that fit your budget
* Allows you to focus more on developing your business
* Nil set-up time is required, allowing you to concentrate on things important to your office operations right away
* Very popular in the present day as the rentals are reasonably affordable
* Many amenities are associated with a rented furnished office space
* No need to undertake responsibilities of maintaining the property as these are taken care of by the property owner

Points to be Aware While Renting Furnished Office Space

Before you make the business decisions of renting an ideal furnished office space, hone yourself carefully to become aware of available options by gaining as much information as possible.

Some points you should consider in your search for rented furnished office space are:

1. To understand and research the business requirements you have for the type of furnished rented office space to look for. Define your parameters of office space area, infrastructure requirements and service amenities.
2. Networking with different real estate agents, commercial advertisers, through popular and trusted rental websites, online furnished rental property search engines, or let people find you through DBS.
3. Asking all types of questions at the office space site during inspection to help you decide on the best choice suiting your business and you.
4. Location of such rented furnished office space.
5. Economic viability of the costs of maintaining the furnished office space on rent.
6. Available types of services and amenities to you as a customer of such property on rent.
7. Pleasing and friendly environment promoting goodwill with clients and visitors of your business.
8. Availability of facilities of air-conditioning, attractive and spacious reception area, pantry area, ATM, server room, lockers, store area, document rooms, and car park.
9. Amount of privacy available to you and your business along with extent of safety procedures like guards and CCTV to make your rented furnished office space secure.

Also Read: Five Ways You Can Better Adapt To The Changing Commercial Space

A successful business is run with all important needs of a fully furnished office satisfied. Renting a fully furnished office space allows you to create the office environment to which your potential clients, investors, and stakeholders walk in through the doors, in pleasure.

Where your employees, well-wishers and random important visitors are happy to consult and work with you. Elate them with your stylish rented furnished office space. As it is, the concept of renting fully furnished office spaces is an extremely popular and lucratively promising one in the present times.