8 'Must Ask' Questions Before Buying a House - Page 5

8 'Must Ask' Questions Before Buying a House

By siliconindia   |   Monday, April 29, 2013

7) Ask for project completion details

Ensure that you ask the builder to provide a work schedule, which in turn will help you to keep track of the project and the completion level for each stage.  If the builder provides you all the above details then you can get a clear idea as to when you can occupy your dream house. Adding to it, the builder should provide you a quoted price in written documents. Detail documents is an important thing in this case so that you can track each and every expense be it expected or unexpected.  

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8) Tax related issues

Tax bills differ for each location and it is an important to look at the tax bills before fixing a deal. For this, the buyers can ask for the recent tax bills from the sellers because eventually buyers will have to suffer if they have to pay huge tax bill. So, to avoid this trouble the buyers have to look at the newspaper archives or talk to the realtor. In some cities schools are funded through property taxes which mean people of the city have to pay more tax, to avoid these circumstances the buyers should look into it thoroughly.